Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Workout of the Day

Are you going to the gym, but stuck in the same routine? Would you like to challenge youself, and try something new in the gym? Why not try this workout program today!

warm up on any piece of cardio machine: 10-15 minutes 60-70%

Rowing machine: 500m all out
                          50 air squats
                          40 box jumps (you can jump onto a step box at any height or use a bench)
                          30 sit ups (all the way up and past your knees)
                          20 push ups (on knees or full) lets do the military style and keep arms in tight to the body
                          10 burpees

FOR TIME!!!! Record your score!
 feel free to send me your times and i will post them on the blog! best of luck to all you fit bunnies out there!

Cool down on bike for 5 minutes and a good stretch out. Make sure to replenish and hydrate no longer than 20 minutes after your workout.

1 comment:

  1. Angela: 16:17
    Susan: Not telling you.. but completed it! (way to go susan!)
    Jane: 21:14
    Barb: 11:36
