Monday, 4 March 2013

Myth: Eating Fats Make You Fat

THIS IS A VERY DESTRUCTIVE MYTH! Eating healthy fat is an important part of losing weight and maintaining optimal health. Alot of the fad diets and food programs readily available today have people eating sugar laden products under the false assumption that because they are fat free, they won't cause weight gain. This marketing ploy has contributed to the obesity epidemic in North America.
Fats are a great energy source for your body. Each gram of fat contains over twice the calories of a gram of carbs or protein. Fats help your body absorb the other nutrients, nourishes the nervous system, regulates hormone levels, and much much more! Some good fat sources are: almonds, walnuts, almond oil, walnut oil, macadamia oil, almond butter.
I bet if you did a carb free day with the addition of good fats in each meal, you will feel satisfied longer in between meals! TRY IT!

There are certain fats that are unhealthy and can lead to disease and other health problems. These are known as saturated and trans fats.
Saturated fat should be consumed in moderation, as eating too much can have a negative effect on cholesterol. They are found in animal products such as meat, dairy and egg yolks. Some plant products contain saturated fat like coconut oil, palm oil, and palm kernel oil.

Trans Fats is a scientifically modified form of saturated fat engineered to give foods longer shelf lives.
Examples that you may think are healthy: popcorn, yogurt, peanut butter (some brands)
Frozen foods such as pizzas, packaged pastries, and cakes, and of course fried foods.

SO... you should strive to eat healthy fats every day, a little bit of saturated fat each day is ok.. but stay away from trans fats COMPLETELY!


for more in depth info, read muscle Myths by Michael Matthews.

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